* Code listing from "Advanced Linux Programming," by CodeSourcery LLC  *
* Copyright (C) 2001 by New Riders Publishing                          *
* See COPYRIGHT for license information.                               *


/* Prints the environment, one environment variable to a line, of the
   process given by PID.  */

void print_process_environment (pid_t pid)
  int fd;
  char filename[24];
  char environment[8192];
  size_t length;
  char* next_var;

  /* Generate the name of the environ file for the process. */
  snprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "/proc/%d/environ", (int) pid);
  /* Read the contents of the file. */
  fd = open (filename, O_RDONLY);
  length = read (fd, environment, sizeof (environment));
  close (fd);
  /* read does not NUL-terminate the buffer, so do it here. */
  environment[length] = '\0';

  /* Loop over variables.  Variables are separated by NULs. */
  next_var = environment;
  while (next_var < environment + length) {
    /* Print the variable.  Each is NUL-terminated, so just treat it
       like an ordinary string.  */
    printf ("%s\n", next_var);
    /* Advance to the next variable.  Since each variable is
       NUL-terminated, strlen counts the length of the next variable,
       not the entire variable list.  */
    next_var += strlen (next_var) + 1;

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  pid_t pid = (pid_t) atoi (argv[1]);
  print_process_environment (pid);
  return 0;