* Code listing from "Advanced Linux Programming," by CodeSourcery LLC  *
* Copyright (C) 2001 by New Riders Publishing                          *
* See COPYRIGHT for license information.                               *


/* The key used to assocate a log file pointer with each thread.  */
static pthread_key_t thread_log_key;

/* Write MESSAGE to the log file for the current thread.  */

void write_to_thread_log (const char* message)
  FILE* thread_log = (FILE*) pthread_getspecific (thread_log_key);
  fprintf (thread_log, "%s\n", message);

/* Close the log file pointer THREAD_LOG.  */

void close_thread_log (void* thread_log)
  fclose ((FILE*) thread_log);

void* thread_function (void* args)
  char thread_log_filename[20];
  FILE* thread_log;

  /* Generate the filename for this thread's log file.  */
  sprintf (thread_log_filename, "thread%d.log", (int) pthread_self ());
  /* Open the log file.  */
  thread_log = fopen (thread_log_filename, "w");
  /* Store the file pointer in thread-specific data under thread_log_key.  */
  pthread_setspecific (thread_log_key, thread_log);

  write_to_thread_log ("Thread starting.");
  /* Do work here... */

  return NULL;

int main ()
  int i;
  pthread_t threads[5];

  /* Create a key to associate thread log file pointers in
     thread-specific data.  Use close_thread_log to clean up the file
     pointers.  */
  pthread_key_create (&thread_log_key, close_thread_log);
  /* Create threads to do the work.  */
  for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
    pthread_create (&(threads[i]), NULL, thread_function, NULL);
  /* Wait for all threads to finish.  */
  for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
    pthread_join (threads[i], NULL);
  return 0;