* Code listing from "Advanced Linux Programming," by CodeSourcery LLC  *
* Copyright (C) 2001 by New Riders Publishing                          *
* See COPYRIGHT for license information.                               *

#ifndef SERVER_H
#define SERVER_H


/*** Symbols defined in common.c.  ************************************/

/* The name of this program.  */
extern const char* program_name;

/* If non-zero, print verbose messages.  */
extern int verbose;

/* Like malloc, except aborts the program if allocation fails.  */
extern void* xmalloc (size_t size);

/* Like realloc, except aborts the program if allocation fails.  */
extern void* xrealloc (void* ptr, size_t size);

/* Like strdup, except aborts the program if allocation fails.  */
extern char* xstrdup (const char* s);

/* Print an error message for a failed call OPERATION, using the value
   of errno, and end the program.  */
extern void system_error (const char* operation);

/* Print an error message for failure involving CAUSE, including a
   descriptive MESSAGE, and end the program.  */
extern void error (const char* cause, const char* message);

/* Return the directory containing the running program's executable.
   The return value is a memory buffer which the caller must deallocate
   using free.  This function calls abort on failure.  */
extern char* get_self_executable_directory ();

/*** Symbols defined in module.c  **************************************/

/* An instance of a loaded server module.  */
struct server_module {
  /* The shared library handle corresponding to the loaded module.  */
  void* handle;
  /* A name describing the module.  */
  const char* name;
  /* The function which generates the HTML results for this module.  */
  void (* generate_function) (int);

/* The directory from which modules are loaded.  */
extern char* module_dir;

/* Attempt to load a server module with the name MODULE_PATH.  If a
   server module exists with this path, loads the module and returns a
   server_module structure representing it.  Otherwise, returns NULL.  */
extern struct server_module* module_open (const char* module_path);

/* Close a server module and deallocate the MODULE object.  */
extern void module_close (struct server_module* module);

/*** Symbols defined in server.c.  ************************************/

/* Run the server on LOCAL_ADDRESS and PORT.  */
extern void server_run (struct in_addr local_address, uint16_t port);

#endif  /* SERVER_H */